Support Us!

Please think about donating to AREN.

All members are volunteers and carry out AREN work out of interest, and there are currently no membership fees. However, AREN incurs costs, which include printing and postage, website hosting fees, equipment maintenance, banking fees, training costs, room/facilities hire, speaker expenses, fuel for generator.

As we seek to raise our profile among the agencies that we serve, we will incur future costs for insurance, ID badges and expenses for training AREN members.

You have a number of ways to support us.

1. If you’d like to donate now, you can click the button below and donate immediately via PayPal.

2. You can also us send a cheque or make a direct payment into our bank account. Please contact National Co-ordinator.

3. Non-financial support: this can be anything, from donating facilities for meetings, donation of equipment, or expertise. Please contact the National Co-Ordinator.

Thank you in advance.

AREN Committee

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